I remember going through a time in my life when I had lost the Christmas spirit. The main reason was Christmas was not the same. As a young adult, the wonder of Christmas that a child knows so well was long gone. Christmas in many ways felt like just another day. That is until I met my wife, Leigh Ann. We met in April, began dating in June and were engaged in December. That Christmas, Leigh Ann knew that I did not have any Christmas spirit and she flat out told me that if I was a scrooge, we would not be getting married. That was definitely motivation to find it.
It did not take long for me to find it. Just being around Leigh Ann’s mom helped a lot. Frances Nicholson loved Christmas and her enthusiasm for it was contagious. You could not help but be joyful when you were around her. But where I found the Christmas spirit, was where Frances found hers. It is found in the joy of the Christmas story. “For unto you is born this day in the city of David, a Savior who is Christ the Lord.” The joy comes from knowing, believing, and treasuring the truth that for unto me, a Savior has been born.
The Grinch had it right. “Maybe Christmas doesn’t come from a store, maybe Christmas perhaps” means a little bit more?” The joy of Christmas is experienced no matter what circumstance we are in, if we focus on Jesus. I hope that you have the Christmas spirit this year because you know that Jesus is your savior.