Tears are Welcome at Christmas

Many people struggle at Christmas. They feel like they have to be joyful but all they can do is shed tears. For many people this is the first Christmas without a dear loved one. This is the first year that my family celebrated Christmas without my dad. It does not feel the same. For others, they are celebrating Christmas without their loved one, and there is still a huge hole in their life that time has not filled.  For others, tears are caused by financial struggles, wondering how they will make ends meet. For some, there is a broken relationship, a son or a daughter is estranged or a marriage is over, and tears are very much a part of their Christmas.

 Many people falsely believe that tears have no place at Christmas, but the Bible would disagree. Tears are very much a part of the Christmas story. When Herod sought to kill the Christ child, he ordered that all boys two years old and under be killed. The Bible recorded the tears of the mothers.

“A voice was heard in Ramah,

    weeping and loud lamentation,

Rachel weeping for her children;

    she refused to be comforted, because they are no more.” Matthew 2:18

Tears are welcomed at Christmas. Tears are the reason that Jesus came.  Jesus came into this world to save us from our sins and to give us a future where one day He will wipe away every tear. So, cry your tears this Christmas. Do not feel bad, when you weep for one day your tears will be wiped away.