As Christians, we know that our performance does nothing to earn merit or favor with God. We are loved and accepted by God solely on the basis of faith in His Son. We are always in need of God’s grace. Even on our best day, we fall short of His glory, but he receives us, forgives us, and keeps us by his grace. When asked does this mean we can go on sinning, Paul responded God forbid. Ultimately, the grace by which we are saved is our motivation for serving the Lord. We don’t have to be obedient; we want to.
Out of our great love for Him, we want to follow his commandments, and one of them is for us to make disciples. We want to help people come to know Jesus and to know Him more every day. Sometimes we get confused and think that our task is to build a church. Jesus said, he would build his church, we are to help grow his kingdom by making disciples. The kingdom of God is found in the hearts of his people who boldly proclaim, Jesus is Lord. He is Lord, Master, and king of my life.
As Christians, we are called to be actively involved in the advance of the Gospel. Every week we should be using our time, talents, and treasure to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We are all called to be on mission with God to redeem a lost world. A missionary is not one who crosses the seas, but one who see the cross. Who have you helped to take one step closer to Jesus this week?